American Heart Association: Advocating to Expand the Pennsylvania Clean Indoor Air Act

Anabel, J Kelso

Anabel J Kelso1
Joan Gluch1, Brad Cary2
1Division of Community Oral Health, Preventive & Restorative Sciences, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, 2Pennsylvania Government Relations, American Heart Association


The American Heart Association is a nationwide organization that aims to educate and reduce the impact of heart disease and stroke in order to promote individuals to lead healthier lives. Breathe Free Pennsylvania is a coalition and advocacy group aiming to ensure that all people have access to safe, smoke-free air in their workplace. In addition to the American Heart Association, BFP partners with the American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation, among other public health organizations.

Project Overview

The state of Pennsylvania introduced the Clean Indoor Air Act in 2008 to prohibit smoking indoors in places of employment and public areas, which left casinos and certain entertainment industries, such as private clubs and bars, exempt from this. Unfortunately, many casino workers are forced to choose between maintaining their career and facing secondhand smoke on a daily basis in their place of work. Student researchers worked for the American Heart Association, focusing largely on the campaign of Breathe Free Pennsylvania Coalition (BFP) to encourage closing these loopholes in the Clean Indoor Air Act. Students gathered narratives and personal stories from casino workers and patrons to spread public health information. Additionally, student researchers have focused their outreach to local legislators to push this 100% smoke-free policy and have been actively recruiting co-sponsors to do the same. We are working to stress the health benefits associated with a smoke-free policy and emphasize the importance of a worker’s right to breathe clean indoor air.


Students collected and spread information on the importance of tobacco cessation, the effects of first and secondhand smoke, and related cardiac health impacts. Students created and shared petitions for casino workers and organized Town Hall meetings for casino workers to reveal their stories in order to close loopholes in the Clean Indoor Air Act. After collecting narratives, students transformed Pennsylvania employee and patron’s personal stories into shareable social media posts and used these to influence legislation. Additionally, students helped organize and attend Virtual Lobby events for the AHA with senators, house representatives, and American Heart Association members and volunteers to increase awareness on the importance of CPR for school-aged children. Student research contributed to the creation of fact sheets related to cardiac health, CPR, secondhand smoke and related information.