Patient attitudes regarding the role of the dentist in vaccination for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and human papillomavirus (HPV)

Sara, M Steinbaum

Julia, R Jagannath

Lake, J Seymour

Sara, M Steinbaum1, Julia, R Jagannath1, Lake, J Seymour1, Matthew Buczek2, Patricia, M Corby3, Roopali Kulkarni1, Katherine, A France1
Katherine, A France1
1Oral Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine; 2Aperture Education; 3Center for Clinical and Translational Research, University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine



During the COVID-19 pandemic, dentists were authorized to administer vaccines for the first time in many states. Our study expanded previous research by investigating patient perspectives regarding dentists' involvement in vaccine efforts against COVID-19 and HPV.


A cross-sectional survey, utilizing a convenience sample of young adult patients (18-45 years old) attending appointments at Penn Dental Medicine, was distributed during 2021. The survey assessed knowledge and attitudes about dental professionals educating, discussing, recommending, and administering COVID-19 and HPV vaccines. Results were analyzed descriptively and using Chi-squared and Fisher’s exact tests.


A total of 163 patients completed the survey. Nearly 70% of respondents would accept the recommendation for a COVID-19 vaccine (66.87%) from a dental professional, compared to that of the HPV vaccine (55.85%). Those previously vaccinated against COVID-19 were more likely to be comfortable discussing COVID-19 vaccines (92.2%, p<0.0001) or HPV vaccines (75.5%, p<0.0003) with their dental providers compared to those who were unvaccinated against COVID-19.


Survey responses demonstrated an overall acceptance for involving the dentist in vaccine-related efforts, with increased acceptance for involvement of the dentist with COVID-19 vaccines compared to HPV vaccines. Participants were also more informed about disease prevention by COVID-19 vaccines compared to HPV vaccines. Previous vaccination strongly predicted responses pertaining to dentists’ roles in vaccine efforts.