Integrating 3D Facial Scanning In A Digital Workflow To CAD/CAM Design and Fabricate Immediate Interim Implant Supported Fixed Dental Prosthesis

Leen A Musharbash

Kushaldeep FNU

Leen A Musharbash, Kushaldeep FNU
Preventive and Restorative Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine



As dental implant treatment has evolved over the years, greater emphasis has been placed on the dentofacial aspect of restorations, with strong consideration given to incisal edge position and preoperative lip dynamics.


A 65-year-old maxillary edentulous and mandibular partially edentulous male in good general health presented to the Graduate Prosthodontics Clinic for fabrication of a maxillary implant supported fixed dental prosthesis. The patient had an existing maxillary interim complete removable dental prosthesis. A conventional tooth set up was made and tried in to improve the horizontal and vertical overlaps of the maxillary anterior teeth. A 3D facial scan was made with the improved tooth set up in place to serve as a guide for the digital design of the definitive prosthesis and Implant planning. A 3D PMMA printed mock-up of the digital design was tried in and approved. An immediate maxillary milled PMMA interim implant supported fixed dental prosthesis was inserted on the day of the surgery.


Utilizing a combination of conventional impressions, maxillomandibular relationship procedures, teeth try in and CBCT scans with digital design and 3D Facial scanning, the clinician and technician were able to plan and complete the implant case in a digital workflow.


The case illustrates a method of systematically diagnosing, planning, and treatment for a full- arch implant rehabilitation with immediate function and improved esthetics.